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Heli-One Secures New Contracts in Brazil January 08, 2009
VANCOUVER, January 8, 2009 /Marketwire – Heli-One, an operating division of the CHC Group, announced today confirmation of new helicopter support and leasing contracts with numerous operators in Brazil. Contract details as follows:

VANCOUVER, January 8, 2009 /Marketwire – Heli-One, an operating division of the CHC Group, announced today confirmation of new helicopter support and leasing contracts with numerous operators in Brazil. Contract details as follows:

1. Two new contracts with Omni Táxi Aéreo (“Omni”) of Brazil, for lease and power-by-the-hour-support. The first contract covers a lease of a Sikorsky S-76C helicopter, while the second contract is for power-by-the-hour support for major components on the leased S-76C helicopter. Both contracts commenced November 20, 2008, each with two year contract terms.

2. A new five year contract with Senior Táxi Aéreo (“Senior”) for exchange units and consignment stock in support of Senior’s fleet of Sikorsky S-76C+ helicopters. The contract commenced in September 2008 and covers major and minor components, including main, tail, and intermediate gearboxes.

3. A new five year contract with Aerorio Táxi Aéreo for full power by the hour support of a Sikorsky C++ helicopter. The contract commenced in September 2008 and covers major and minor components, including main, tail, and intermediate gearboxes.

Heli-One already has existing contracts with these and other operators in Brazil – a testament to the company’s commitment to servicing Brazil and other South American operators. Currently Heli-One has agreements in place with Aeroleo Táxi Aéreo (lease of two AS332L1’s and full power-by-the-hour support), Lider Aviaco (Sikorsky S-76 and B412 repair, overhaul, and maintenance support), Omni (lease of a SA365N), and BHS-Brazilian Helicopter Services Táxi Aéreo (lease of 13 S-76s and three Super Pumas and full power-by-the-hour support). Through these various contracts, Heli-One supports over 55 helicopters in Brazil.

Total anticipated revenue from these new contracts is estimated at CDN 9.9 million over the contract terms (excluding options). Neil Calvert, President of Heli-One said, “We’re excited to strengthen our partnerships and support of operators in Brazil to continue providing flexible support solutions including aircraft leases, maintenance or both. We’re committed to providing world class service to all operators in South America and around the world, regardless of fleet size or mission.”

Heli-One is the world’s largest, independent helicopter support company, providing engine and component repair and overhaul, modifications, inspections, completions and logistics support for 20 different aircraft types, operated by customers around the world. For more information, please visit

For further information, please contact:

Neil Calvert

Rick Davis
Senior Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer
(604) 279-2471 or (778) 999-0314